Sunday, January 31, 2010

for a princess once unseen

measure with mind

My ruler and straight-edge of choice.

Friday, January 29, 2010

blooms before the freeze

This yellow rose is a survivor!

Actual weather conditions for Fort Worth, Texas
Wednesday, Jan.27, high 64 (date that photos were taken while my son cavorted around the backyard barefoot)
Saturday, January 30 -- 30 high (too cold to go outside)

She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

she hath wings

Be like the bird
That, pausing in her flight
Awhile on boughs too slight,
Feels them give way
Beneath her and sings,
Knowing that she hath wings.

-Victor Hugo

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

face and mind behind the name

My name is Diane Boren.

I am a mom, an artist, a planner, a Christian, a designer, a teacher.

I enjoy all things soft, comfortable, and well-made: my husband’s old t-shirts, my throw blanket, my Thorlo socks from high school, my children. I value encounters that are open to deep meaning and possibility and objects that allow for open-ended application and interpretation.

I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Art Education from the University of Georgia where my love of kids and my passion for art merged seamlessly. Through a concentration in Fine Arts, I gained practical knowledge and skill in a wide variety of art mediums including drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, and printmaking, as well as an in-depth understanding of the history of art. I was given a sewing machine as a graduation present from my parents and an obsession with fabrics and patterns quickly surfaced. I am a self-taught sewist who learns best from doing and strives to learn more.

I pioneered Nest of Threads at the end of 2009 as an outlet for my creative interests and as a way to give unique and custom gifts to those I hold dearest. A business plan soon followed with the goal of making Nest of Threads products available to every child with spirit and every home with character. Nest of Threads is devoted to creating high-quality fabric goods and gifts for babies (hatch), kids (fly), and home (nest). I find inspiration everywhere and derive design ideas from everything, including art history, product containers, my kids’ artwork, nature, thrift store shelves, and my own creative reserve of original ideas to name a few.

My Studio kNoT is located in my home where I can do what I love most close to those I love most.